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Chun Zhang, M.D., PH.D.
Postdoc Fellow




M.D. Taishan Medical College, China, 1999;
Ph.D. Tongji Medical Collge, Huzhong University of Science and Technology, China, 2004

Research Interest:

Mechanism of podocytes injury and pathogenesis of proteinuria.
Molecular mechanism of hyperhomocysteinemia-induced renal injury.

Selected Publications:

Yi F, Xia M, Li N, Zhang C, Tang L, Li PL. Contribution of guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav2 to hyperhomocysteinemic glomerulosclerosis in rats. Hypertension, 2009, 53(1):90-6.

Zhang C,Jiang HJ, Chang Y, Fang Z, Sun XF, Liu JS, Deng AG, Zhu ZH. Down-regulation of CD2-associated protein impaired the physiologial functions of podocytes. Cell Biol Int, Accepted in Nov, 2008.

Zhang C, Meng X, Zhu Z, Yang X, Deng A. Role of connective tissue growth factor in renal tubular epithelial-myofibroblast transdifferentiation and extracellular matrix accumulation in vitro. Life Sci, 2004, 75(3):367-79.